Vivid Vision

What is a Vivid Vision?

Put simply, a Vivid Vision is a 3 to 4-page document that describes what the leaders of a company envision for their company's future and how they'll get there.


In the case of a Vivid Vision, visualizing […] involves picturing your business three years down the road, but not in some ambiguous, conceptual way. Close your eyes, hop in your mental time machine, and take a tour around your company three years in the future. Don't get caught up in the realism either. Dream as big as you want to.” – Cameron Herold


Brian Davey, Chief Executive Officer, has a vivid vision for NADF.  Read his Vivid Vision to see where he envisions NADF to be in 3 years.


Media Enquiries
Brian Davey, Executive Director
Phone: 807-623-5397 ext. 117


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